5 Ways to Get Your Team Reacquainted

half full Team Building Event

Something is different about you. I know what it is...I can see your smile again!

Welcome back. I’m sure you’re feeling the same way I am about it – pretty darn happy! It has been a long 12+ months and being able to do some of the things that we have been missing out on is such a great feeling, including seeing a person’s whole face! 

I recently wrote about getting ready to go back to work in person, preparing yourself, your family and even your pets for the return to an in-person workplace (it was nice while it lasted).  Everyone is handling the transition from remote back to in-person differently and at different paces.  Even with a vaccine, many folks are still opting to use masks and are skeptical about being in large crowds or close quarters.  A year of isolation really took its toll. 

half full Team Building Events

I, for one, have only met my co-workers in person less than a handful of times, so far.  I know there are going to be more and more opportunities to get together and get to know each other as we see the other side of this pandemic. There is only so much relationship building you can do over Zoom and phone calls. I think I’m pretty good at connecting with people, but nothing is ever quite the same as sharing a meal with a co-worker or walking into someone's office to tell them a joke to lighten the day...and don’t forget the long-forgotten handshake!   

Some businesses are opting for a remote only model or hybrid in-person/remote model.  So, you may still have some folks on your team that you will only ever know virtually!  

So how do you get your team back into the swing of things and jiving with their colleagues again?  Here’s a quick list of a few things you can easily do in the office to reintroduce your team. 

5 Ways to Reintroduce Your Team 


Break the Ice. There is nothing wrong with a good old fashioned ice breaker, especially if you have new employees who haven't been with the team long or have just been away from each other too long to remember.  Help team members to come out of their shells and assimilate to office life again. As corny and cliché as it may seem, these always get me laughing and that is a beautiful place to start.  

We have the technology, use it. If you use an inter-office platform like Slack or Microsoft Teams, put out a poll or ask questions that allow team members to get to know each other. Even better, make it into a game or raffle for higher engagement. People love free stuff! 

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Go outside and play! A game of kickball, lawn checkers, frisbee, croquet...whatever!  Competition is good for the soul as is getting some nature and vitamin D – and all of that is great for your workplace culture! Maybe stay away from tackle football though. 

Feed them. Who doesn’t love a good BBQ or some pizzas delivered for lunch?  One company I used to work for a while back would have Potluck parties. I thought it was awesome!  Not only did I get some tasty food, but it got me talking to people from other departments about their quiche or Swedish meatballs that I never would have run into otherwise. This fostered a lot of interdepartmental collaboration and innovation within the company as well as many new friendships that have lasted to this day. Food brings people together.  Fact. 

Book a team building outing. From scavenger hunts to corporate service days and everything in between, there are so many team building activities you can do in small groups or as a whole company that won’t break the bank but really bring your team together. It is important to reinvigorate your team and maintain the vision, mission, and values behind what you’re doing as a business. According to Worldwide, 2500% more organizations are investing in virtual team building in response to COVID-19.

Social time turns out to be deeply critical to team performance, often accounting for more than 50% of positive changes in communication patterns, even in a setting as efficiency-focused as a call center.

-Harvard Business Review

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Keep in mind that everyone is reentering at their own pace.  So doing one single team building event that one time isn’t going to create the company culture you might be thinking.  Building a culture and team take commitment and time like anything else.  In this study by the Harvard Business Review they look at the effects of socialization on employees which confirms our belief that happy, socialized teammates are more productive teammates.

Consider scheduling quarterly teambuilding activities or get togethers - being consistent not only gives your team something to look forward to, it shows you are committed to your team and building a company culture to be proud of. 

So go ahead, order up some pizza and invite your team to get to know each other again.  

By: Kelly Pattison

Director Marketing & Events

Learn more about half full’s team building activities and custom retreats!